Humans, AI and the Law of Attraction

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about AI and its impact on our world. It's definitely a game-changer, and while many see it as a negative force (still so much needs to be figured out in terms of ethics), I've been taking a slightly different angle as I think about its effects long term.

What makes humans really human? What makes us unique?

So far, we’ve favored our ability to think over anything else…

We’ve believed thinking is what makes us “superior” and what distinguishes from animals.

I see this as the patriarchy perspective: energetically speaking, Thinking is masculine and Feeling is feminine. And this imbalance hurts men and women just the same.

As AI takes over some of the heavy lifting, our feelings and imagination might just step up to change the world in even bigger ways: through never-seen-before-innovation powered by our imagination and the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction works through feeling. Yes, our thoughts matter, but feelings are the actual magnet.

Instead of fearing the rise of AI, let's explore how it can nudge us back towards what makes us uniquely human – our ability to feel deeply and dream BIG.


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