Awaken your Creative Genius

I find it interesting that at a very young age we start telling children “it’s just your imagination”, as if it’s something meaningless, something only children do because they’re children.

Then we send them to school to learn mostly left brain processes (learning, writing, speaking, etc) so that they can learn how to integrate the knowledge they’ll be given later on.

This is so that we can all be the same and have order in society. Speak the same, act the same, think the same... The problem with this is that we also end up having the same ideas. And when we all have the same ideas we lose our uniqueness, we forget how to think for ourselves, we become sheep. Worst than that, we stop innovation.

In 1994, NASA did a study about creativity because they wanted to hire more “creative geniuses” that would help them innovate, and what they discovered is truly incredible. The first amazing thing was that 98% of 4-5 year old children were at “creative genius” level. Interestingly, only five years later at 9-10 years old the same children had this level gone down to 30%. At 15 years old down to 12%. Later, as adults and having tested over 1 million people of an average of 31 years old, the result was a sad 2%.

According to George Land, one of the scientists that worked in this study (you can watch his TedTalk if you’re curious), the problem is education. He explains that imagining is a “divergent” way of using your brain, meaning that it lights up most areas of the brain when is active -as observed in brain scans; and when we’re using our judgement is considered “convergent”, as it lights up only a few areas.

He says that the problem in schools is that they teach doing both, divergent and convergent at the same time -imagining and judging all at once, finding problems with what you’re imagining right away, so the brain cells start fighting each other.

If we add to this picture all the technological distractions we have today it gets way worse. It’s so hard to be bored! Finding the time to just daydream or use your imagination without interruptions feels almost impossible.

This is another reason why Dreamjourney was created. To help you spend time with your imagination for a whole uninterrupted hour. Just you, music and light hypnotic guidance so you can go as deep as you want.

I believe we need more space for the imaginary, in whatever shape or form we can find. My offering is simple.

I also believe the creative genius is still there, intact but dormant, waiting to be awaken.

My dream is that I inspire people to daydream again, to experience the magical worlds of their inner child, to make direct contact with their Soul, and, above all, to access their creative genius.

The world needs more innovation, more new and original ideas, it’s time we unlearn the limitations we were taught.

I believe it’s possible, one dream at the time.


Humans, AI and the Law of Attraction


The Imagination Enigma