Past Life Regressions + Coaching - 6 session package

    • 3 Past Life Regressions (PLR) - 2-3 hours long

    • 3 PLR Integration Coach Sessions — 30 min each

  • After payment you’ll see a couple links to my calendar, please save those links for scheduling.

    If possible, choose dates when you can give yourself plenty of time to relax before and after the PLR sessions, allow this time of self care to feel spacious.

  • To get 100% refund after a cancellation you have to cancel 48 hours before the first session. If you wish cancel after the 1st session you will receive a 70% refund of the remaining sessions.

    Sessions can be rescheduled 48 hours before the scheduled session. Please contact me if you need to reschedule after this timeframe.

    There will be no refunds for no-shows.

    All refunds will be the amount minus any discounts previously applied.